Chace Saunders, Nashville Singer-Songwriter


In Episode 13 of The B Side Podcast, hosts Stacy and Andy Best catch up with their hometown Kentucky friend, Chace Saunders.  He's a rising star in Nashville cutting his teeth performing on Broadway, writing songs in his free time, and ultimately building his entire brand.

You'll hear about Chace's musical family history, his journey from bluegrass to rap to yacht rock to country music, and his experience releasing his first two songs "Bourbon Whiskey" and "She Left Memphis".  

If you're curious about how an artist lands their first gig in Nashville, the songwriting process for a budding artist, Chace's favorite (and not so favorite) song requests on Broadway, then episode 13 is for you.  Fair warning: you will be completely won over by this incredibly talented, wholesome, family-loving country boy!

Resources Mentioned:

Best Life Studio Website, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook

Chace Saunders TikTok, Instagram, Facebook